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Firepower Management Center High Availability

Written by Pablo Mirsoian | Aug 25

Hello World,

I was able to work on a feature that was introduced in version 6.1. This feature is High Availability for FMC. The version of FirePower Management Center that this work was done on was 6.7. Also, a few caveats or things we need to know for this integration to be successful. Directly from Cisco.

*** We also assume that routing between these two management centers is correctly configured between FMC servers. Network Connectivity is required. ***

SRU and VDB are downloadable from This is also directly from on what these SRU and VDB updates do.

If they don’t match, you’ll need to update FMC implementations to the same version by uploading files.

Once everything matches you can start the integration and setup of HA.

On the Primary FMC we will navigate to System, Integration, and then High Availability. Select Primary enter the IP address of the secondary FMC and a registration key that will need to match on both servers. Select Register.

On the secondary FMC we will do the same, but instead of primary role we will select secondary and use the same registration key.

We should see status messages like this….

After all data has been transferred, success!

This should be your result after integration has been completed.

Technical References:

As always if you have any questions on getting FMC set up for you and your business and would like to schedule a free consultation with us, please reach out to us at and we’ll be happy to help!