Hoteling is bringing Extension Mobility (Call Manager realm) to the cloud-based WebEx Calling solution. It allows a user to pick any phone and login to it using their extension and voicemail pin number.
Extension Mobility was one of the most popular and requested features and WebEx Calling was lacking a similar experience until hoteling was introduced. Given today’s hybrid working methods and companies re-designing the office space to be an open space, Hoteling would be a sought-after feature. Since not all employees will be present at the same time, then office resources need to be shared.
- High Level Hoteling
- A WebEx registered phone and associated to a Workspace
- Enable hoteling on that phone
- User with a configured extension and voicemail pin
- Enable Hoteling on the user profile.
II. Creating a Workspace & Registering a Phone
- On the WebEx Control Hub click on Workspaces on the left.
- Once page loads, click on +Add Workspace blue button on the top right.
- Give a Name, Type, Capacity and location of workspace. Only Name is mandatory.
- Click Next.
- In the Add Workspace section, Click on Cisco IP Phone.
- Select Device Type and Enter the method you wish to use to register the phone.
- Selecting MAC Address you simply enter the MAC on this page
- Selecting Activation Code will generate an activation code that you will enter on the phone itself.
- Click Next.
- Now you should have a Workspace with a registered phone in it.
III. Enabling a Phone for Hoteling
- Not all phones can be enabled for hoteling, they must be associated to a workspace and to a user.
- On the WebEx Control Hub, click on Devices and search for the phone you want to enable hoteling on.
- Click on the phone, one the new page loads, select the tab that says Allow this device to be used as a Hoteling Host by visiting guests.
- You can also limit the maximum login timer (so in case a user forgets to log out, they will be automatically logged out).
IV. Enabling Hoteling for a Specific User
1. User must be configured or synced with WebEx Control Hub.
A. Click on users on the left and search for the user.
B. User must appear here for it to use Hoteling
2. User must have an extension configured
A. Click on User
B. Click on Calling, check if there’s extension under Directory Numbers.
C. If not, click on primary to configure one.
3. User must know their voicemail pin number, if not they can reset it on
4. Enable users for Hoteling
A. Click on the select user
B. Click on Calling and then Advanced Call settings
C. Click on Hoteling and toggle it as on.
V. Using Hoteling
- On a phone enabled for Hoteling, Click the button under Guest-In.
- Enter your extension as User-ID and your voicemail Pin as your password.
- To Sign out, Click the button under Guest-Out.
For more on Hybrid-Work check the below YouTube video on Cisco WebEx Desk Hub:
As always if you have any questions on Webex Calling and would like to schedule a free consultation with us, please reach out to us at and we’ll be happy to help!
Freddy Tabet, Network Engineer