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Welcome to our in-depth look at Single Sign-On (SSO) and how Azure Active Directory (AAD) can be a game-changer for your organization's identity management. We're living in a world with an ever-growing number of applications and services and managing access to all of them can become a real headache. That's where SSO comes in, making life easier for everyone involved, from users to IT...

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Nov 16

I wanted to cover a new IOS feature that I learned during Cisco Live. VOIP Trace for CUBE is a new feature that can help engineers troubleshoot issues on CUBE deployments. It’s enabled by default, but you will need at least IOS-XE 17.3.2 or higher.

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Firepower FTD Remote Access VPN SSO using SAML and Azure AD, with Azure AD Conditional Access to Duo 2FA, and Cisco ISE for Authorization and Group Policy Assignment

There are multiple components to this solution, and while there are a few different approaches to accomplish the end goal, I wanted to focus on a solution that didn’t require an onsite Duo Authentication Proxy server. This blog will...

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Jun 29

This is a follow-up Blog to the outstanding high level introduction to SASE presented by Lookingpoint President, Sean Barr, if you haven’t seen it, check it out here! For anyone interested in getting into the weeds a bit further, feel free to stick around!

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Cisco Webex Devices have added a feature that allows them will be able to detect T3 alarms. This feature allows customers to expand their building alarm system with visual symbols and information displayed on Webex devices. This visual addition for audible alarms could be particularly important for employees with hearing impairment or ones wearing noise cancelling headsets.

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I couldn’t find a guide online for a particular WebEx Calling scenario; we wanted to use a local gateway to bridge our on-prem CUCM with WebEx calling without the need for PSTN. The local gateway would just route calls from on-prem to the cloud and vice versa. Each service would offer its own PSTN for the endpoints registered to it. Here’s how we accomplished it!

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Recently I noticed a new warning message on one of our CUCM 14 lab clusters. It showed up after we had a power outage. Unfortunately, this server did not have a secondary power supply or a connection to a UPS, so it experienced an ungraceful shutdown. The warning stated the following:

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Today we are getting a little SASE 😊 We are talking about the Secure Access Service Edge. Before I talk about the components of SASE, let's talk a little bit about what it is. It moves these secure access services to the edge, which I know sounds pretty obvious right, but what's the edge? You may have remote users working out of their homes, maybe they are not near an office location. SASE moves...

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Jun 16

About a month ago Cisco added Webex Cloud Connected UC to the Webex Control Hub. Today we’ll be looking at it and how it may help your business.

So, what is Webex Cloud-Connected UC? In short, it’s a dashboard within Control Hub that allows you to view operations such as system health checks, analytics, troubleshooting, and service and certificate updates.

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Jun 19

Last week was the long-awaited Cisco Live 2019! And two of our wonderful engineers wrote up their thoughts on the week. For a quick recap check out Dominic Zeni's overview of the week below and if you want a more in-depth recap check out Trevor Butler's deep dive into the Cisco Live 2019 World.

For the Short Attention Span Readers:

Another year, another Live! Building Bridges was one of the...

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