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Cisco Webex Devices have added a feature that allows them will be able to detect T3 alarms. This feature allows customers to expand their building alarm system with visual symbols and information displayed on Webex devices. This visual addition for audible alarms could be particularly important for employees with hearing impairment or ones wearing noise cancelling headsets.

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I couldn’t find a guide online for a particular WebEx Calling scenario; we wanted to use a local gateway to bridge our on-prem CUCM with WebEx calling without the need for PSTN. The local gateway would just route calls from on-prem to the cloud and vice versa. Each service would offer its own PSTN for the endpoints registered to it. Here’s how we accomplished it!

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Recently I noticed a new warning message on one of our CUCM 14 lab clusters. It showed up after we had a power outage. Unfortunately, this server did not have a secondary power supply or a connection to a UPS, so it experienced an ungraceful shutdown. The warning stated the following:

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Aug 15

No matter how seasoned an engineer you are, it’s a magic feeling to reach the end of a Cisco UC upgrade. The systems are up, devices are registered, you've dodged all the bugs in the code that threatened to throw your little upgrade train off the rails of your cut plan and burning into the canyon of despair. Things are working and its time to start testing. Its at this point, that you or more...

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