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Creating device templates in Cisco vManage is a crucial skill for network administrators looking to streamline and automate the management of their Cisco SD-WAN infrastructure. By using device templates, you can standardize configurations across multiple devices, ensuring consistency and reducing the likelihood of configuration errors.

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Today we will be looking at a quick How-To, on how to enable International calling on a per user basis. This is very useful when you want to allow one or multiple users, permission to make outgoing calls, but not an entire branch. Let’s get into it!

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Hey there! Today we will be looking at how we assign a user or Workspace, to a specific Hunt Group in our Webex Control Hub environment, in just a few simple steps. Cisco does a great job of streamlining these Move’s, Add’s or Changes in the Control Hub, by providing us with very user friendly GUI. If this is your first time, no worries, you’ll learn your way around in no time. Let’s dive in and...

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The Meraki dashboard is phenomenal in my opinion. With next to no effort on your part, you have a LOT of data at your fingertips. What if you want that data available for easy export, or if you want to access data older than 30 days old? I ran into just that scenario and found that on top of the GUI, Meraki provides a pretty fantastic API with access to even MORE data. Let me show you how to...

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It’s that time! Get up-to-date! In this entry we will be covering a MAJOR upgrade of a two-node ISE deployment from version 2.4 to version 3.0! Before you attempt this in your environment, read all the release notes in order to confirm your unique path and requirements! Good, let’s go!

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May 20
FTD FlexConfig
Posted by Rick Wong

With the FTDs being managed by FMC everything is now configured via GUI. There is no longer the option of configuring via CLI like the ASAs. You can still access the CLI but Cisco does not officially support configuration using the CLI. Obviously, there are pros and cons to this. You no long need to remember syntax and which command does what. You just need to know how to navigate the GUI menus...

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