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Poorly configured networks are vulnerable to many attacks. Easy attacks. In this blog we will demonstrate how easy it is to perform a DoS attack on a DHCP scope. Afterwards, we will remediate our poorly configured network devices with a security feature that you should include on every deployment to protect against this type of attack.

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Once logged into the wireless controller, creating a WLAN is very simple. Configuring the WLAN’s setting is where it can become difficult. Creating the WLAN is as easy as entering one command in configuration mode. That command is the wlan command. In this blog I will be covering some basic commands for you to create and configure some general properties of a Wireless network.

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Starting with Firepower 7.2, Cisco announced the ability to manage these firewalls using a Cisco hosted Cloud-Delivered Firewall Management Center (cdFMC). I recently had a project setting up cdFMC for the first time so I figure I would go over what I learned and show how to access cdFMC, how to import policies, and join your first Firepower firewall.

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If you aren’t already using file checksums, why not? It’s a REALLY good idea for any file you download over the internet. It could also be a good idea for a file you may want to ensure stays unchanged on your own network. File checksums are a vital tool for ensuring the integrity and authenticity of files. They serve as digital fingerprints, allowing you to verify whether a file has been tampered...

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Check out our comprehensive guide on simplifying your network configuration with Switch Templates! Continue reading

Recently I captured a Wi-Fi survey for a customer. While looking at the data in Ekahau. I noticed a small area that had lower data rate than the rest of the building. While trying to figure out why I checked the normal suspects like signal strength, noise, signal to noise ratio, co-channel interference, and channel width. The data from these categories all looked good and there was no clear...

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In the dynamic landscape of modern telecommunications, the role of a Collaboration Engineer is one filled with continuous evolution and challenges. Throughout the course of their career, these professionals often find themselves at the forefront of critical transitions within an organization's communication infrastructure.

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Nov 1
Cisco RADkit
Posted by Ryan Alibrando

Say hello to Cisco’s RADkit

How would you like a tool that can save you time with TAC cases and gives you an avenue of automation and time savings for your entire Cisco environment? If that sounds good, you should give RADKit a look.

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Welcome to our blog, where we delve into the world of video conferencing hardware and explore why Cisco stands out as the ultimate choice. In today's digital age, effective communication and collaboration are paramount, and Cisco has consistently proved itself as a frontrunner in this domain.

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Hello world! Today I will be showing you how to quickly update the connector version on your Cisco endpoints via Cisco Secure Endpoints, formerly know as Cisco AMP. There are two ways to go about this process. We can update multiple clients belonging to the same Group Policy at the same time, OR if you have a single client needing an updated connector version, you can simply locate the download...

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